Easter Sunday Sermon, April 4, 2021: "On the Road to Emmaus with Our Risen King" (Luke24:13-35)

Bart W. Newton, Preaching Minister

To view a simple online worship service of “Word, Communion and Prayer,” and please click on the the following link: "On the Road to Emmaus with Our Risen King”

Christ is risen indeed! Blessed Easter Lord's Day! In part 7 of the series "The Ministry of Jesus: From the Jordan to Pentecost," we learn from Luke 24:13-35 that only the Jesus of the Word gives life meaning. It is also in the "breaking of the bread" in holy communion as well as Christian hospitality that our eyes are open to see Him, and that, with few exceptions, Jesus does not force Himself into someone's life, but let's us practice our free will to receive or reject Him.